Friday, July 31, 2009

PDF Mod Community

PDF Mod is now taking advantage of the fabulous GNOME infrastructure:We already have six translations of the app (da de fr lt pt_BR sv), and even some translations of our user manual (sv de). Oh, and we have this beautiful new icon created by Kalle Persson: If you want to translate the app or user manual, fix a bug, or implement a feature, please join us on the list or IRC and jump right in! We have a TODO if you're looking for something to do.


  1. Any idea if this works on Windows? If not, I might be able to take a look at porting it.

  2. Should be easy enough. The only non-.NET piece is poppler. These binaries might be useful for that:

    Please file any bugs/patches you come up with at

  3. A little more elaboration: it should run on .NET 3.5 SP1 with Gtk# for .NET installed (shouldn't need Mono). You could either use the .dll files compiled on Linux, or you could compile it using SharpDevelop 3.0 (or maybe MonoDevelop).

  4. I'll take a look tomorrow and see if I can roll it up.

    Looks awesome. I can't wait!

  5. That is the coolest 3.5" disk icon I've ever seen. Except it's not. :)

  6. This project is sick. The sole purpose of PDFs is accurate reproduction of what the original author wanted to convey. It's a tuned printing language. The core idea is against being able to edit PDFs. You simply should not be allowed.

  7. You go and play with your DRM Anonymous...

  8. "You simply should not be allowed."

    If that were the case, then why does Adobe, the creators of the pdf format sell software to edit pdf's (acrobat pro).

    Also, reordering/deleting pages is quite diffrent to editing the content of the page itself - for that see something like PDFedit.
