Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tag Crazy

If you are tag crazy, then managing and getting useful stuff done with your tags in F-Spot can be a bear. Jakub tells me he doesn't use the sidebar tag view at all because of how many tags he has, which means the graphical aspect of the new search functionality isn't useful for him. I added a filter entry above the tag view sidebar, so you can set any tag as the toplevel one, so only its children will be shown. It autocompletes, has a drop down, is reachable at any time via Ctrl-L, clears the filter with a button push or by pressing escape, is hidden by default, remembers if you hide/unhide it, etc: You can also see a somewhat more complicated query here. Even if you don't have an icon set for a tag, you can query it with full DND hotness. The tag filtering patch is solid and should land soon.

Friday, October 6, 2006

F-Spot Searching

New search functionality has finally landed in F-Spot. You can now search your photos using your tags with full boolean goodness in drag-n-drop and text-entry varieties. This closes the two oldest F-Spot bugs, and several others. More details and screenshots on this older post.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Blossoms in the Fall

The sunflowers we planted in the previously barren flower boxes on our roof have bloomed! They beautifully complement the view of Lake Michigan and downtown Chicago:
I installed the Foxmarks extension to Firefox today. It helps you keep your bookmarks in sync across multiple computers, using XML and DAV. You can use their hosting service, or you can specify your own host (which I did). It does an awesome job merging bookmarks in; I combined/unified/rediscovered my bookmarks from five different Firefox installations. Excellent!